"It is in our bodies and brains where the battle over the realization of political ideals of inclusion and equality is being decided."
Vulnerable Minds, p. 187
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“Liya Yu develops a novel political framework that builds on neuroscientific discoveries to rethink the social contract. She argues that our political selves should be understood in terms of our shared social capacities, especially our everyday exclusionary tendencies. Yu contends that cognitive dehumanization is the most crucial disruptor of cooperation and solidarity, and liberal values-based discourse is inadequate against it…. ”
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"The politics of intelligence: Neuropolitics and polarization" Oct 9
Public debate with Prof. Sarah Engler at Leuphana College
"Dehumanization and Chinese Diasporic Literature" Oct 19
Keynote Speech at Parataxe Literatur Symposium XV, Berlin
"Neuropolitik und Berlins Stadtentwicklung" Nov 15
Impulsvortrag für Berlin Tourism & MICE Summit, EUREF Campus
ARD Fernsehen Kulturmagazin ttt 15 Dec
Interview zu unserer demokratischen Zukunft und Neuropolitik