Interview with China Media Project

Interview with China Media Project Defending Liberal Democracy with Neuroscience How can a neuropolitical approach of dehumanization help to understand authoritarianism in China? Could mentalizing and humanization avert escalation of geopolitical conflict between Taiwan and China? What role does cognitive warfare and media representation play? Interview with Ryan Ho Kilpatrick (June 2023) Link to Interview […]

Klartext Salon

Klartext Salon Alice Hérait and I organize Klartext Salon 坦白沙龍 in Taipei at the social movement space Tacheles in Wanhua. The salon is a debating platform for pressing and controversial topics that concern Taiwanese society, where we invite speakers and experts from across Taiwanese society and the Taiwanese diaspora. Write to us to subscribe to […]

Interview with PhilosopHER Podcast (DE)

Interview mit PhilosopHER Podcast Liya Yu spricht mit Monika Li und Lisanne Schuster darüber, was sie dazu bewegte, politische Philosophin zu werden und inwieweit eine feministische Perspektive auf Neuropolitik und Dehumanisierung wichtig ist (Januar 2023) 

Press Post Sample Title

Press Post Sample – Header [H1] Press Post Sample – Header [H4] Body of the press post

Dance I

This is part of a series of improvised dance pieces that I created during my time at Treasure Hill Artist Village, exploring the state of women’s bodies in Asian societies. Before each piece, I walked the streets of Taipei, looking for bodily gestures or movements that I deemed submissive to the Taiwanese patriarchy. The dance […]

Book Title 2

This the subheader of book 2 This is Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla sed fermentum nulla. Aenean id quam at erat egestas ultrices. Vestibulum id felis ligula. Suspendisse elementum eros sit amet nulla sollicitudin, id luctus urna ornare. Etiam mattis leo quis nisl hendrerit, et pellentesque nulla ornare. Pellentesque suscipit tellus […]

Divided Socities

This is the blurb. Exclusionary identity politics are unravelling post-Cold War liberal democracies. vet there is little focus on what kind ofognitive conditions drive the recent shift towards nationa-ism, racism and intergroup identity conflicts. This book lays out how we need to radically retrame our current epistemological and normative assumptions about how we function neuroco&nitivelv […]